Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jackson Browne "You Know The Night"

I've got a box full of letters out in the garage. And another box full of journals.

Do you keep that kind of stuff?

What about your kids? Do they?

One of the weird changes that we're going through, that will have some interesting ramifications down the line, is that no one writes letters anymore.

Now believe me, I love email. I love how fast and easy you can connect with someone.

But tell me, do you save your emails? Do you save them in a way that future generations could read?

There is a new release coming out this month, called "Note Of Hope: A Celebration Of Woody Guthrie." And on it, artists perform some of Woody's writings.

Now, these are not songs that Woody wrote. They are songs made from letters and other writings of Guthrie's.

Woody wrote a ton. And much of it was saved for the ages.

What about you? Are you like me? Do you still have old letters you wrote or received?

And what about 50 years from now? Will projects like "Note Of Hope," or David Mccullough's "John Adams" or the like, be possible? Or will the writings that exist in electronic form have no hope of being archived for posterity?

How will we gain insight into out leaders and our celebrities, if there are no records of their less guarded thoughts and feelings?

It'll be a strange, slightly less interesting, future.

Hear the song on Youtube.

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