Sunday, April 4, 2010

Diane Birch “Valentino”

Sometimes it’s hard not to repeat yourself on the air.

You develop a certain feeling about a song, and that description just pops out every time you hear it.

And every time I backsell “Valentino” I seem to say “Cute.” It’s just a cute song. Bright and playful and fun and charming. Cute.

But it’s also deceptively complex. Like all great pop music, the strongest hooks appear simple but have a deep brilliance to them.

The video for the song continues that theme. It seems like a simple low budget clip. One shot, one location, no professional actors. But it’s deceptively complex.

You can enjoy the videos simple charms, or you can think about how many takes it took them to get the action to all match up. Sometimes, NOT using special effects is the higher tech process.

It seems simple, but in the song and the video, there’s a lot going on behind the screen.

The original video

The behind the screen version

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