Saturday, June 30, 2012

Velvet Crush "This Life Is Killing Me"

Here's another Weekend Post:

Since I mentioned Velvet Crush yesterday . . .

Back when "Teenage Symphonies To God" was out, if I was having a bad day, I'd put this one on my show and turn the studio speakers up as loud as they could go.

I think it was great therapy (at least it was in my 20s), to take depression and inject it with adrenaline.  I may not have felt great, but at least I wasn't lying down, moaning.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Weekend posts are a chance to revisit songs that have happy memories, not of anything in particular, other than just hearing the tunes.

Many of these songs were tracks that I played during my 90s stint as an Alternative/Modern Rock radio show.  They're tunes that I hardly hear these days, but are wonderful to revisit.

Click on the "Weekend Posts" label below, to see other posts like this.

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